
No renderer 'odt' found for mode 'odt'

Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!

Name IPv6 Kanal Leistung
ffs-EventA1 fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:f6f2:6dff:fe6d:8ff 1, 36 15 (31mW), default
ffs-EventA2 fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:c66e:1fff:fefe:9c86 6 10 (10mW)
ffs-EventA3 fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:32b5:c2ff:fe3e:9d84 11 5 (3mW)
ffs-EventB1 fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:f6f2:6dff:fe6d:d79 1, 40 10 (10mW), default
ffs-EventB2 fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:32b5:c2ff:feb0:5090 6 5 (3mW)
ffs-EventB3 fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:32b5:c2ff:fe3e:9d40 11 15 (31mW)
ffs-EventC1 fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:f6f2:6dff:fe6d:249e 1, 44 5 (3mW), default
ffs-EventC2 fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:16cc:20ff:fecd:88c 6 15 (31mW)
ffs-EventC3 fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:16cc:20ff:fecd:980 11 10 (10mW)
ffs-EventD1 fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:f6f2:6dff:fe6d:25be 1, 48 15 (31mW), default
ffs-EventD2 fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:c66e:1fff:fefe:921a 6 10 (10mW)
ffs-EventD3 fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:16cc:20ff:fe4d:1246 11 5 (3mW)
ffs-Event13 fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:c66e:1fff:fefe:9d1c 1 20 (100mW)

Um sich tipparbeit zu sparen kann folgendes in seine /etc/hosts eingetragen werden:

fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:f6f2:6dff:fe6d:8ff ffs-EventA1
fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:c66e:1fff:fefe:9c86 ffs-EventA2
fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:32b5:c2ff:fe3e:9d84 ffs-EventA3
fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:f6f2:6dff:fe6d:d79 ffs-EventB1
fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:32b5:c2ff:feb0:5090 ffs-EventB2
fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:32b5:c2ff:fe3e:9d40 ffs-EventB3
fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:32b5:c2ff:feb0:505e ffs-EventC11
fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:f6f2:6dff:fe6d:249e ffs-EventC1
fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:16cc:20ff:fecd:88c ffs-EventC2
fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:16cc:20ff:fecd:980 ffs-EventC3
fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:f6f2:6dff:fe6d:25be ffs-EventD1
fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:c66e:1fff:fefe:921a ffs-EventD2
fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:16cc:20ff:fe4d:1246 ffs-EventD3

#fd21:b4dc:4b22:0:c66e:1fff:fefe:9d1c ffs-Event13

nun kann mit

ssh root@ffs-EventXX 

auf die Nodes zugegriffen werden

# persist wifi channels during upgrade
uci set gluon-core.@wireless[0].preserve_channels='1'
# temporary enable autoupdater for easy upgrading
uci set autoupdater.settings.enabled=1
uci set autoupdater.settings.branch=stable
uci commit
autoupdater -f

# wait for finished upgrade
uci set autoupdater.settings.enabled=0
uci commit autoupdater

Ein Upgrade aller Event-Boxen wurde im Dezember 2018 vorgenommen.

  • 1 x TP Link 4300 v1 inkl. Steckernetzteil
  • 2 x TP Link 1043nd v2 inkl. Steckernetzteil
  • 3-fach Mehrfachstecker mit Kaltgerätebuchse in der Box
  • 1 Kaltgerätekabel
  • 2 x LAN 0,25 m
#set hostname
uci set system.@system[0].hostname='ffs-EventA1'
#disable autoupdate
uci set autoupdater.settings.enabled=0
#set channel and sendeleistung
uci set
uci set wireless.radio0.txpower=15
uci set
#disable vpn uplink
uci set simple-tc.mesh_vpn.enabled='0'
#enable mesh on lan and wan
uci set
uci set
for ifname in $(cat /lib/gluon/core/sysconfig/lan_ifname); do
  uci del_list network.client.ifname=$ifname
#disable wifi mesh (2,4GHz & 5GHz)
uci set wireless.ibss_radio0.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.ibss_radio1.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.mesh_radio0.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.mesh_radio1.disabled='1'
#set min Bandwidth
uci set wireless.radio0.supported_rates='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.basic_rate='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.require_mode=g
# persist wifi channels during upgrade
uci set gluon-core.@wireless[0].preserve_channels='1'
#location settings
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0]='location'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].share_location='1'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].latitude='48.77772727596015'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].longitude='9.172263918444512'
uci commit
reboot && exit
#set hostname
uci set system.@system[0].hostname='ffs-EventA2'
#disable autoupdate
uci set autoupdater.settings.enabled=0
#set channel and sendeleistung
uci set
uci set wireless.radio0.txpower=10
#disable vpn uplink
uci set simple-tc.mesh_vpn.enabled='0'
#enable mesh on wan
uci set
#disable wifi mesh
uci set wireless.ibss_radio0.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.mesh_radio0.disabled='1'
#set min Bandwidth
uci set wireless.radio0.supported_rates='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.basic_rate='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.require_mode=g
# persist wifi channels during upgrade
uci set gluon-core.@wireless[0].preserve_channels='1'
#location settings
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0]='location'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].share_location='1'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].latitude='48.77772727596015'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].longitude='9.172263918444512'
uci commit
reboot && exit
#set hostname
uci set system.@system[0].hostname='ffs-EventA3'
#disable autoupdate
uci set autoupdater.settings.enabled=0
#set channel and sendeleistung
uci set
uci set wireless.radio0.txpower=5
#uci set
#disable vpn uplink
uci set simple-tc.mesh_vpn.enabled='0'
#enable mesh on lan and wan
uci set
uci set
for ifname in $(cat /lib/gluon/core/sysconfig/lan_ifname); do
  uci del_list network.client.ifname=$ifname
#disable wifi mesh
uci set wireless.ibss_radio0.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.mesh_radio0.disabled='1'
#set min Bandwidth
uci set wireless.radio0.supported_rates='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.basic_rate='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.require_mode=g
# persist wifi channels during upgrade
uci set gluon-core.@wireless[0].preserve_channels='1'
#location settings
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0]='location'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].share_location='1'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].latitude='48.77772727596015'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].longitude='9.172263918444512'
uci commit
reboot && exit
  • 1 x TP Link WDR4300nd inkl. Steckernetzteil
  • 2 x TP Link 1043nd v2 inkl. einem Dual-Steckernetzteil
  • 3-fach Mehrfachstecker mit Kaltgerätebuchse in der Box
  • zwei Cat6A Module in der Box mit Client- und Mesh-Netz
  • 1 Kaltgerätekabel
  • 2 x LAN 0,25 m
#set hostname
uci set system.@system[0].hostname='ffs-EventB1'
#disable autoupdate
uci set autoupdater.settings.enabled=0
#set channel and sendeleistung
uci set
uci set wireless.radio0.txpower=10
uci set
#disable vpn uplink
uci set simple-tc.mesh_vpn.enabled='0'
#enable mesh on lan and wan
uci set
uci set
for ifname in $(cat /lib/gluon/core/sysconfig/lan_ifname); do
  uci del_list network.client.ifname=$ifname
#disable wifi mesh (2,4GHz & 5GHz)
uci set wireless.ibss_radio0.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.ibss_radio1.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.mesh_radio0.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.mesh_radio1.disabled='1'
#set min Bandwidth
uci set wireless.radio0.supported_rates='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.basic_rate='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.require_mode=g
# persist wifi channels during upgrade
uci set gluon-core.@wireless[0].preserve_channels='1'
#location settings
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0]='location'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].share_location='1'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].latitude='48.77772727596015'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].longitude='9.172263918444512'
uci commit
reboot && exit
#set hostname
uci set system.@system[0].hostname='ffs-EventB2'
#disable autoupdate
uci set autoupdater.settings.enabled=0
#set channel and sendeleistung
uci set
uci set wireless.radio0.txpower=5
#disable vpn uplink
uci set simple-tc.mesh_vpn.enabled='0'
#enable mesh on wan
uci set
#disable wifi mesh
uci set wireless.ibss_radio0.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.mesh_radio0.disabled='1'
#set min Bandwidth
uci set wireless.radio0.supported_rates='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.basic_rate='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.require_mode=g
# persist wifi channels during upgrade
uci set gluon-core.@wireless[0].preserve_channels='1'
#location settings
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0]='location'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].share_location='1'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].latitude='48.77772727596015'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].longitude='9.172263918444512'
uci commit
reboot && exit
#set hostname
uci set system.@system[0].hostname='ffs-EventB3'
#disable autoupdate
uci set autoupdater.settings.enabled=0
#set channel and sendeleistung
uci set
uci set wireless.radio0.txpower=15
#disable vpn uplink
uci set simple-tc.mesh_vpn.enabled='0'
#enable mesh on lan and wan
uci set
uci set
for ifname in $(cat /lib/gluon/core/sysconfig/lan_ifname); do
  uci del_list network.client.ifname=$ifname
#disable wifi mesh
uci set wireless.ibss_radio0.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.mesh_radio0.disabled='1'
#set min Bandwidth
uci set wireless.radio0.supported_rates='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.basic_rate='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.require_mode=g
# persist wifi channels during upgrade
uci set gluon-core.@wireless[0].preserve_channels='1'
#location settings
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0]='location'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].share_location='1'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].latitude='48.77772727596015'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].longitude='9.172263918444512'
uci commit
reboot && exit
  • 2 x TP Link 1043nd v2 inkl. dual Steckernetzteil
  • 1 x TP Link 4300v1 inkl Steckernetzteil
  • 3-fach Mehrfachstecker mit Kaltgerätebuchse in der Box
  • 1 Kaltgerätekabel
  • 2 x LAN 0,25 m
#set hostname
uci set system.@system[0].hostname='ffs-EventC1'
#disable autoupdate
uci set autoupdater.settings.enabled=0
#set channel and sendeleistung
uci set
uci set wireless.radio0.txpower=5
uci set
#disable vpn uplink
uci set simple-tc.mesh_vpn.enabled='0'
#enable mesh on lan and wan
uci set
uci set
for ifname in $(cat /lib/gluon/core/sysconfig/lan_ifname); do
  uci del_list network.client.ifname=$ifname
#disable wifi mesh (2,4GHz & 5GHz)
uci set wireless.ibss_radio0.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.ibss_radio1.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.mesh_radio0.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.mesh_radio1.disabled='1'
#set min Bandwidth
uci set wireless.radio0.supported_rates='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.basic_rate='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.require_mode=g
# persist wifi channels during upgrade
uci set gluon-core.@wireless[0].preserve_channels='1'
#location settings
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0]='location'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].share_location='1'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].latitude='48.77772727596015'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].longitude='9.172263918444512'
uci commit
reboot && exit
#set hostname
uci set system.@system[0].hostname='ffs-EventC2'
#disable autoupdate
uci set autoupdater.settings.enabled=0
#set channel and sendeleistung
uci set
uci set wireless.radio0.txpower=15
#disable vpn uplink
uci set simple-tc.mesh_vpn.enabled='0'
#enable mesh on wan
uci set
#disable wifi mesh
uci set wireless.ibss_radio0.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.mesh_radio0.disabled='1'
#set min Bandwidth
uci set wireless.radio0.supported_rates='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.basic_rate='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.require_mode=g
# persist wifi channels during upgrade
uci set gluon-core.@wireless[0].preserve_channels='1'
#location settings
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0]='location'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].share_location='1'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].latitude='48.77772727596015'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].longitude='9.172263918444512'
uci commit
reboot && exit
#set hostname
uci set system.@system[0].hostname='ffs-EventC3'
#disable autoupdate
uci set autoupdater.settings.enabled=0
#set channel and sendeleistung
uci set
uci set wireless.radio0.txpower=10
#disable vpn uplink
uci set simple-tc.mesh_vpn.enabled='0'
#enable mesh on lan and wan
uci set
uci set
for ifname in $(cat /lib/gluon/core/sysconfig/lan_ifname); do
  uci del_list network.client.ifname=$ifname
#disable wifi mesh
uci set wireless.ibss_radio0.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.mesh_radio0.disabled='1'
#set min Bandwidth
uci set wireless.radio0.supported_rates='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.basic_rate='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.require_mode=g
# persist wifi channels during upgrade
uci set gluon-core.@wireless[0].preserve_channels='1'
#location settings
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0]='location'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].share_location='1'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].latitude='48.77772727596015'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].longitude='9.172263918444512'
uci commit
reboot && exit
  • 1 x TP Link WDR4300nd inkl. Steckernetzteil
  • 2 x TP Link 1043nd v2 inkl. einem Dual-Steckernetzteil
  • 3-fach Mehrfachstecker mit Kaltgerätebuchse in der Box
  • 1 Kaltgerätekabel
  • 2 x LAN 0,25 m
#set hostname
uci set system.@system[0].hostname='ffs-EventD1'
#disable autoupdate
uci set autoupdater.settings.enabled=0
#set channel and transmissionpower (2,4 GHz & 5 GHz)
uci set
uci set wireless.radio0.txpower=15
uci set
#disable vpn uplink
uci set simple-tc.mesh_vpn.enabled='0'
#enable mesh on lan and wan
uci set
uci set
for ifname in $(cat /lib/gluon/core/sysconfig/lan_ifname); do
  uci del_list network.client.ifname=$ifname
#disable wifi mesh (2,4GHz & 5GHz)
uci set wireless.ibss_radio0.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.ibss_radio1.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.mesh_radio0.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.mesh_radio1.disabled='1'
#set min Bandwidth
uci set wireless.radio0.supported_rates='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.basic_rate='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.require_mode=g
# persist wifi channels during upgrade
uci set gluon-core.@wireless[0].preserve_channels='1'
#location settings
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0]='location'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].share_location='1'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].latitude='48.77772727596015'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].longitude='9.172263918444512'
uci commit
reboot && exit
#set hostname
uci set system.@system[0].hostname='ffs-EventD2'
#disable autoupdate
uci set autoupdater.settings.enabled=0
#set channel and sendeleistung
uci set
uci set wireless.radio0.txpower=10
#disable vpn uplink
uci set simple-tc.mesh_vpn.enabled='0'
#enable mesh on wan
uci set
#disable wifi mesh
uci set wireless.ibss_radio0.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.mesh_radio0.disabled='1'
#set min Bandwidth
uci set wireless.radio0.supported_rates='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.basic_rate='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.require_mode=g
# persist wifi channels during upgrade
uci set gluon-core.@wireless[0].preserve_channels='1'
#location settings
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0]='location'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].share_location='1'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].latitude='48.77772727596015'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].longitude='9.172263918444512'
uci commit
reboot && exit
#set hostname
uci set system.@system[0].hostname='ffs-EventD3'
#disable autoupdate
uci set autoupdater.settings.enabled=0
#set channel and sendeleistung
uci set
uci set wireless.radio0.txpower=5
#disable vpn uplink
uci set simple-tc.mesh_vpn.enabled='0'
#enable mesh on lan and wan
uci set
uci set
for ifname in $(cat /lib/gluon/core/sysconfig/lan_ifname); do
  uci del_list network.client.ifname=$ifname
#disable wifi mesh
uci set wireless.ibss_radio0.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.mesh_radio0.disabled='1'
#set min Bandwidth
uci set wireless.radio0.supported_rates='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.basic_rate='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.require_mode=g
# persist wifi channels during upgrade
uci set gluon-core.@wireless[0].preserve_channels='1'
#location settings
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0]='location'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].share_location='1'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].latitude='48.77772727596015'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].longitude='9.172263918444512'
uci commit
reboot && exit
#set hostname
uci set system.@system[0].hostname='ffs-Event13'
#disable autoupdate
uci set autoupdater.settings.enabled=0
#set channel and sendeleistung
uci set
uci set wireless.radio0.txpower=20
#disable vpn uplink
uci set simple-tc.mesh_vpn.enabled='0'
#enable mesh on lan and wan
uci set
uci set
for ifname in $(cat /lib/gluon/core/sysconfig/lan_ifname); do
  uci del_list network.client.ifname=$ifname
#disable wifi mesh
uci set wireless.ibss_radio0.disabled='1'
uci set wireless.mesh_radio0.disabled='1'
#set min Bandwidth
uci set wireless.radio0.supported_rates='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.basic_rate='18000 24000 36000 48000 54000'
uci set wireless.radio0.require_mode=g
# persist wifi channels during upgrade
uci set gluon-core.@wireless[0].preserve_channels='1'
#location settings
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0]='location'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].share_location='1'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].latitude='48.77772727596015'
uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].longitude='9.172263918444512'
uci commit
reboot && exit
  • technik/projekte/eventnodes.1543843835.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: vor 5 Jahren
  • (Externe Bearbeitung)